Windows things and trix
Windows10 control panel Make a new folder on the desktop. Name it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} You will get a master control panel netsh wlan show profile “Nortel AS” key=clear netsh wlan show profile for å vise alle SSID som pcen din har lagret
Henning Olsen IS
Vi satt og lurte på om Henning Olsen hadde utsalg på fabrikken sin her i Kristiansand og jeg kom over et lite søkefelt hvor man kunne søke om støtte til arrangementer ol.Naturlig vis søkte jeg til min egen fest 🙂 Emne: Produktstøtte # arrangement Håkons Iskremfest # Dato … Read moreHenning Olsen IS
Was out on a ski trip and had my trusty gear in the car and could not resist a small flight in this crazy looking area. I wanted to do some flights in the valley but I will have to come back to this place. Used ND16 on this, clearly I should have done 32. … Read moreØrskogfjellet
The Desky
NB: article in writing The Desky project came about when i wanted a display on my desk showing things like immediate weather, clock and some other things like Bitcoin prices. I first started with php and LCD monitors thinking that was the way of doing this, but i soon discovered that microprocessors and small hardware was … Read moreThe Desky
The Kokkorobox
The box is made just as a experiment we will see if something like this is a good idea.Maybe we should call it a NodeMcu, ESP8266, running a OLED SPI monitor on a 18650 battery with usb charge controller, some buttons and a custom 3D printed case just to nerd out as much as possible … Read moreThe Kokkorobox